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6 Powerful Quotes by Leo Tzu : Ancient Chinese Philosophy |


 I've always been a strong believer in looking for the good in everything . While there are a lot of anti-Chinese conversations going on all over the world ....|

Thoughts it's important to highlight the ancient wisdom of China |  Ancient Chinese texts have a lot to give to modern society . 

My personal favourite is Leo Tzu's school of thought . His teachings are contained in a book called 'Tao Te Ching'.

Lao Tzu's core philosophy was all about focussing on the underlying goodness or 'harmony' in everything around us . This 'Positive Path ' is called the ' Tao ' and has inspired a spiritual school called 'Taoism'.

1." To the mind that is still, The whole Universe surrenders. Empty yourself of everything . Let your mind become still."

Meaning : Meditate more. Learn to be in the present more. Shed off worries of past traumas and possible traumas of the future . Be in the now . 

2." Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes . Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow . Let reality be reality . Let reality be reality . Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like . " 

Meaning : Adapt to life , not to negative mindsets . 

3. " When I let go of what I am , I become what I might be. "

Meaning :  Growth can only happen when you decide to shed off aspects of yourself . Be it bad habits , bad people , bad thought processes. Creating space for the soul, allows true growth to begin. 

4. " Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

Meaning : Begin. Execute . Do. This is the core requirement of any possible achievement . Focus on the task at hand now , not on the difficulty of the mission.

5. " When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or complete , everybody will respect you . " 

Meaning : Competition is man-made. Tune out of these false battles you have created within your own mind. 

6. " Knowing others is intelligence, yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength , Mastering yourself is true power."

Meaning :  The greatest life skill is 'Self - awareness '. While victories are built on analytical powers (intelligence) and strength (both physical and mental ) , true victory is only experienced when you look within . All the money and power in the world is nothing compared to joy of finding yourself . Material world victories will not give meaning to your life. But spiritual, intellectual and self - discovery based victories will. 


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