Everyone needs some motivation to achieve their goals and these inspirational/ motivational quotes will give you the edge you need to create your success. Read them and let them to motivate you. Here we go ..
Top 20 Motivation to Study Quotes
2.Every morning You have two choices : Continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.
3. Sometimes Later Becomes Never. Do It Now .
4. The Struggle You're in today is developing the Strength
you Need For Tomorrow.
5. Work hard in silence,
6. The more that you read,
The more you will know.
The more that you learn ,
The more places you'll go.
7.A dream doesn't become
reality through magic ;
It takes Sweat, Determination
and Hard Work.
8. I think goals should never
be easy,
They should force you to work,
Even if they are uncomfortable
At the time.
9.Be patient. Sometimes you have to go through the worst
to get to the best.
Give Time Some Time.
10.There is no royal road to Success.
But , after success ,every road
Becomes Royal.
11.The roots of the education
are bitter
But the fruit is sweet.
12.Everyday Do Something
That Will Inch You Closer
To a better Tomorrow.
13. The only place success
comes before work is in Dictionary.
14. Today a reader
Tomorrow a leader.
15. There is no elevator
to success,
You have to take the stairs.
16. Keep Your Face Always Towards The Sunshine -
And shadows will Fall
Behind You.
17. The Capacity to learn is a gift,
The ability to learn is a Skill,
The willingness to learn is a choice.
18. Failure is the Condiment
That gives success it's Flavour.
--Truman Capote
19. Good , better ,best.
Never Let It Rest .
Till your good is better
And better is best.
20. When you focus on problems
You'll have more problems,
When you focus on possibilities
You'll have more opportunities.
【All images are taken from www.google.com】
Top 20 Motivation to Study Quotes
1. Start Where You Are.
Use What You Have .
Do What You Can.
2.Every morning You have two choices : Continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.
3. Sometimes Later Becomes Never. Do It Now .
4. The Struggle You're in today is developing the Strength
you Need For Tomorrow.
-- Robert Thew
5. Work hard in silence,
Let your success be your noise.
--Frank Ocean
6. The more that you read,
The more you will know.
The more that you learn ,
The more places you'll go.
--Dr. Seuss
7.A dream doesn't become
reality through magic ;
It takes Sweat, Determination
and Hard Work.
8. I think goals should never
be easy,
They should force you to work,
Even if they are uncomfortable
At the time.
9.Be patient. Sometimes you have to go through the worst
to get to the best.
Give Time Some Time.
10.There is no royal road to Success.
But , after success ,every road
Becomes Royal.
11.The roots of the education
are bitter
But the fruit is sweet.
12.Everyday Do Something
That Will Inch You Closer
To a better Tomorrow.
13. The only place success
comes before work is in Dictionary.
14. Today a reader
Tomorrow a leader.
15. There is no elevator
to success,
You have to take the stairs.
16. Keep Your Face Always Towards The Sunshine -
And shadows will Fall
Behind You.
17. The Capacity to learn is a gift,
The ability to learn is a Skill,
The willingness to learn is a choice.
18. Failure is the Condiment
That gives success it's Flavour.
--Truman Capote
19. Good , better ,best.
Never Let It Rest .
Till your good is better
And better is best.
20. When you focus on problems
You'll have more problems,
When you focus on possibilities
You'll have more opportunities.
【All images are taken from www.google.com】
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